Brigitte Campeau


Booth: 313

Brigitte Campeau

Brigitte Campeau

Hand braided sterling silver and gold filled jewellery

For a long period of time i believed that the braids i make and that inspired my jewelery line was my own creation coming from a backgroud of the needle work training i had, as a child, attending classes at the communautary center of my QuĂ©bec St-Lawrence shore village, and from textile work of the weaving women i admired when i lived in Guatemala in my 20’s. And then, one day, as i was visiting the great exhibition of Petra that toured the museum world more than a decade ago, i saw a piece of the same braid in a display of ancient jewelery…stunned and sucked dizzyingly three thousand years ago on an exotic trade road i realized how craftworks deeply connects us to our origins.Braiding is now, for me, more than a good trick in a creative and convenient job, it is an out of time connection, a link with the past that sublime and humble my work. And i like to think that my jewelery is an invitation to travel 🙂